Winchester College is a globally renowned, independent boarding school situated in beautiful Hampshire. The college proudly lives and breathes from its original site, which was founded by William of Wykeham in 1382.
In 2015 the College undertook a project to convert its Medieval Stables, in order to create a public museum for its decorative art collection. This collection includes eight panels of pre-Raphaelite Stained Glass believed to be by Heaton Butler and Bayne, depicting scenes from Tennyson’s Idylls of the Kings c.1878. They form the centrepiece of the first gallery in the museum.
The SGDC were commissioned to design and make the special frames to support and illuminate the precious Stained Glass collection. As well as being set in alcoves, one panel was designed to also benefit from natural light. All of the lighting and dimming is computer controlled from a concealed system.
With most of our systems, once the installation is complete, you never notice the frames or mounts.
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